Everlasting challenge in many organizations today is lack of well planned career development, succession planning and employee retention. The share broking firms in Chennai district are facing huge employee turnover and difficult to retain appropriate talent. Consequently, there is a negative impact on share broking firm due to high cost incurred in training new employees and more over human relation is highly required in these sectors there by retaining existing customer will be highly challenging. This scenario created the need for career development program in order to retain employee. Most of the research focuses on career development and its influence on performance and productivity. The present study aims to test the conceptual framework of career planning, career development on succession planning and subsequently on employee retention. Data is collected through Structured Questionnaire from 520 respondents. In order to test these hypothesized model structural equation model (SEM-Covariance) was employed with the help of AMOS 17.0 version.
Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 2145-2152