This study was intended to improve the teacher’s understanding and skills in HOTS and USBN questions preparation. To achieve the goal, Simpang Tegar (socialization and integrated assistance) method was implemented. The research was action research conducted SMAN 1 Selemadeg and SMAN 1 Kerambitan. The research subjects were 124 teachers. The research object was the teacher’s understanding and skills. Data was on teacher’s understanding regarded HOTS and USBN questions preparation. It was collected using conducted tests before and after. The action was given on socialization. Data on teacher’s skill to compile HOTS and USBN questions was collected using observation techniques before and after being given integrated assistance measures. The obtained data were analyzed descriptively quantitative. The results of the data analysis show: (1) teacher’s understanding owns an average of 55.67 increased to 73.12. (2) the teacher’s skill the compiled questions before being given integrated assistance with an average of 44.73 increasing to 67.74; and (3) the integrated mentoring was able to optimize the understanding of concepts and skills on developing HOTS and USBN problems through MGMP internal discussions. It can be therefore concluded Simpang Tegar method was to improve teacher’s understanding and skills on HOTS and USBN questions preparation.
Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 1825-1832