The current era of globalization has caused expanding number of migrant laborers from provincial to urban regions, and migrant laborers have the most elevated occurrence of work related stress. In addition, very few investigations have inspected the associationof self esteem and coping strategy on stress acculturation among vagrant Indonesian laborers. Thus, this study was done to determine the relationship of self-esteem and coping strategies on stress acculturation of Indonesian workers. This study had used quantitative approach and descriptive explanative research. There are two independent variables which are self-esteem (X1) and coping strategy (X2). The dependent variable is acculturation stress (Y). The study population was Indonesian workers and the number of sample used were a total of 49 Indonesian workers. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling. The data were analyzed using Pearson and Spearman Rho correlation test. The result showed there was no relationship between acculturation stress and self-esteem (r=0.090), problem -focused coping (r=0.717) and emotion-focused coping (r=0.536)
Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 1341-1345