Job satisfaction among librarians is an important element to note, because librarians today tend to be less interested in their profession as librarians. This study aims to determine the job satisfaction among librarian in the city of Surabaya. The dimensions that was analysed were work, salary, promotion, supervision, coworkers and working conditions. This study has used descriptive quantitative research method. The respondents of this work comprised of librarians from various divisions such as school libraries, public libraries, special libraries and college libraries. The result of this study has shown that work dimension exhibited medium category assessment with the average value of 3.30. Thus, the librarians are averagely satisfied with the work. On the other hand, co-workers dimension has shown a high category assessment with average value of 3.70. Thus, the librarians are highly satisfied with their co-workers and exhibit good working relationship. However, the dimension of supervision has shown medium category assessment with the lowest average value of 3.10. Hence, this has demonstrated that the librarians are moderately with their supervisors. In addition, the salary dimension exhibited medium category assessment with an average value of 3.20. Thus, the librarians are moderately satisfied with their salary. In terms of working condition dimension, the results has shown high category assessment with average value of 3.74. Hence, the librarians are highly satisfied with the working conditions. Finally, the promotion dimension exhibited medium category assessment with an average value of 3.32. Thus, it can be concluded that the librarians are averagely satisfied with the work promotion.
Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 1270-1275