The most recent two decades have demonstrated huge development in the utilization of cell phones which have incited researchers everywhere throughout the world to contemplate the impacts of EMF radiations transmitted from these personal digital assistants (PDAs). Be that as it may, these examinations are seriously centered around human wellbeing and relatively few investigations have been directed to watch the impacts of EMF exposures on plants. This examination is directed to research the impact of 2450 MHz recurrence of EMF presentation on germination rate and early development phases of Vigna radiata (mung bean). The mung beans were presented to EMF radiation in a shut exploratory setup for an introduction time of 4hr, 8hr and 12hr for 5 continuous days. The outcomes demonstrate a significant distinction in a rate decrease of germination rate, radicle length and plumule length over control. Also, a decrease in biomass is recorded in the mung seeds subjected to EMF exposure.
Volume 11 | 06-Special Issue
Pages: 566-570