The main aim of the study is to examine the relationship of work-related variables with work life balance and its dimensions of working ITES professionals. It is significant for all working ITES professionals to balance their personal life as well as professional life. In this study work related variables considered are working condition, work family conflict, task autonomy, task variety and work schedule flexibility. The study also examines the relationship between work life balance and its dimensions and job involvement, job satisfaction and depression. In this study 520 sample size has been selected by using Convenience sampling technique. Structured questionnaire was used for collecting primary data. To find out the relationship between variables, the data were analysed through the software SPSS 20.0. Pearson correlation were the statistical tool used for analysis. The result stated that there is significant relationship between work related variables (working condition, work family conflict, task variety, task autonomy and work schedule flexibility) and work life balance and its dimensions. The result of the study also states that there is significant relationship between work life balance and its dimensions and job involvement, job satisfaction and depression.
Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue
Pages: 185-191