
University Reputation and Alumni Donation: Empirical Evidence from Malaysia

Hasnizam Shaari, Salniza Md Salleh, Selvan Perumal, Fakhrul Anwar Zainol and Hazianti Abdul Halim

In marketing literature, reputable brand had always enjoy consumer loyalty and lead to several brand supportive behaviors such as brand recommendation and helping behavior. In the context of higher education institution, reputable university is postulated to gain stakeholders support. Stakeholders especially university’s alumni is hope to contribute back to their university either in term of monetary or non-monetary support. Study that attempts to examine on how alumni response towards their university reputation in term of donor and giving rather limited especially in Malaysia context. Hence, this study attempts to link the relationship between university reputation and alumni donor behavior. A quantitative survey among 193 alumni in Malaysia revealed that one out of three dimensions of university reputation namely; responsible management statistically influenced alumni donor behavior towards their alma maters. Implication and recommendation also were addressed at the end of this article.

Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue

Pages: 796-802