The concept of Top management team and its characteristics has become an important discussion among scholars in the past centuries. Even with the Upper Echelon Model, there are other important characteristics that affect firm performance. But the confusion remains there as the implementation of those characteristics is still questionable from the researchers’ perspective. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to offer some insights in strengthening the Upper Echelon Model with the use of ‘decision making style’ among top managers and hence, offering some understanding of how this characteristic affects the firm performance. Decision making style of top management team determines both effective use of resources for greater firm performance and the future direction of company. This line of inquiry has a significant impact on the structure of the upper echelon model the findings could offer more contemporary variables and discussions with regard to the characteristics of the top management team. This paper offers the basic foundation for an empirical study that involves large companies (based on market capitalization) listed on Bursa Malaysia with a special focus on non-financial companies using panel data method.
Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 550-554