
A Pragmatic Study on Heuristic Algorithms for Prediction and Analysis of Crime Using Social Media Data

*Boppuru Rudra Prathap, Rameha K

Advancement in technology and Social media has grown to become one amongst the foremost powerful communication channels in human history and this is where individuals are sharing their perspectives, thoughts, suppositions, and feelings. Law enforcement units are having hard time fighting crime with ever-growing population, regional issues and political con-sequences. The adoption of social media data for crime analysis is increasing day by day. Crime analysis can help use the resources wisely. A crime prediction alerts the department at the right time to focus their staff with better equipment in suspected areas. Crime analysis prevents threats to life and money loss in terms of damage. In recent days, the collection of crime data from different heterogeneous sources becomes a primary step for the crime analysis and prediction. In this paper Overview of Heuristic Based Crime Prediction and Analysis algorithms identified by different authors. Also, various sources of social media used for analysis and prediction are also reviewed in detail. This information can be considered for one of the prominent asset for crime investigation through social media data procedure and also, we had identified the different algorithms and research gaps of that algorithms with related to crime analysis and prediction.

Volume 11 | 02-Special Issue

Pages: 30-36