Background/Objectives: Developing an automotive system can thus involve hundreds or thousands of variants, adding to the existing engineering complexity. Automotive manufacturing ranks among the most extreme instances of systems and software product line engineering (PLE).Methods/Statistical analysis: In order to design the product line architecture, this study performed the following: (1) evaluation for selection of the candidate legacy systems, (2) architecture analysis of the legacy systems selected for architecture analysis, and (3) architectural model definition and architectural design.Findings. In this paper, we first addressed several architectural problems. Control module can be decomposed with several lower-level modules but each code block shares the global variables so that control module does not meet the modularity. Hardware value can be access from the control module directly and suggested architectural guides for automotive control systems. Information hiding is fail and control is not separated from the algorithm. The process maturity of automotive industry is not matured so that we suggested the refactoring guide for architectural decisions. We suggested 2 architecture view: Conceptual and module architecture are necessary for product line in automotive control system. Module should be decomposed into functional module for implementation and traceability should be defined from/to feature. Layered architecture style is powerful mechanism for module and each layer define separate role which is the criteria for module identification.Improvements/Applications: To investigate the effects of SPL technology application, an evaluation was undertaken by using the BAPO (Business, Architecture, Process, and Organization) model. Each perspective of BAPO was improved with one level.
Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue
Pages: 405-411