
Studying the Consistency of Work Culture in Department of Population and Civil Notes Denpasar City

Ida Ayu Dwi Satyawati, A.A.N. Oka Suryadinatha Gorda, Ida Ayu Oka Martini and Ni Putu Yunita Anggreswari

Work culture in each organization is different because the vision and mission of each organization are also different such as public services in the government environment. Organizations are required to have a culture that is differentiated from other similar organizations. This is because the basic and behavioural attitudes reflected by each person in the organization are different, one of which is the work culture at the public service office of the Denpasar City Population and Civil Registry Office, which is an element of local government in the field of population and civil registration led by the head of the service and is under and responsible. Responsible to the regional secretariat has a different work culture from the Regional Apparatus Organization which is an organization or institution in the Regional Government that is responsible to the Regional Head in the context of administering governance in the region. The government in Denpasar itself is currently still instilling a work culture that has existed for centuries, for this reason, the researcher wants to examine more deeply whether the work culture that has been applied for a long time is still feasible to be applied in the modern era like today, and how is the relevance in line with the Regional Apparatus Organization above it. Therefore, this research aims to find out how the alignment of each of these agencies is. This study used a semistructured interview data collection method. The interview system is freer and more open. To test the credibility of the data obtained from several sources, this study used source triangulation.

Volume 12 | Issue 8

Pages: 432-436

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I8/20202492