
The Repetition (Muraja'ah) Alternative Method to Motivate Santriwati Memorizing the Qur'an in Ma'had Tahfitdzul Quran Umar Bin Khattab-Banjarmasin

Abd. Basir, Mufida Istati, Muhdi and Siti Masitah

The muraja'ah method is one of the activities of repeating the memorization of the Qur'an or the activity of continuing the next recitation. This study aimed to determine the application of the method of muraja'ah or memorization of the Qur'an, the factors of excellence and weaknesses in Ma'had Tahfidzul Qur’an Umar bin Khattab Banjarmasin. To be able to answer the questions of this study, a series of data collection through field observation, in-depth interviews of a number of students and religious teachers, and literature review were carried out. Then to make this data easy to understand, the process of analyzing the description in simple analysis (coding, revision and presenting the theme) was passed through. Finally, we found empirical evidence that the application of the method of learning to read the Koran called muraja'ah was very effective in helping students read and memorize the Koran through listening to fellow students and female students with female teachers. The results of this study inform that this method is effective and can be an alternative way to succeed in memorization because every female student has the opportunity to deposit her new memorization to the ustadzah (female teacher). Besides that, santriwati can do muraja'ah or memorization beforehand which is listened by santriwati before being deposited to the cleric. While the superior factor is the muraja'ah method allows satriwati to practice with fellow classmates even without being heard by Ustadzah. While the weakness factor is that the verses that have been memorized are often misread magrat and intonation due to the practice of memorizing fellow students when ustazah is receiving other santri deposits/submision.

Volume 12 | Issue 8

Pages: 376-388

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I8/20202485