
The Questioning for Investigations Application According Government Regulation No. 58 of 2010 in the Area of the Border

Sardjana Orba Manullang, Tamrin Muchsin, Sri Sudono Saliro, M. Rendi Aridhayandi and Puji Hastuti

There are still many officials who have served as investigators who have not had a bachelor degree or the equivalent in the border jurisdiction as mandated in the Law No. 58 of 2010 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 27 of 1983 concerning the Implementation the Criminal Code article 2A paragraph (1) letter a. By not fulfilling the requirements of the investigator, automatically there are limits to authority, among others, not being able to issue an investigation warrant, a detention warrant and other administrative letters. This study used qualitative methods with empirical juridical research types, to obtain accurate data used purposive sampling techniques, and primary data collection by conducting in-depth interviews. Furthermore, the final stage carried out namely the data reduction activities, data presentation and drawing conclusions during the research activities. The results of the study found, among others: First, the administration of investigations in the border jurisdiction for police ranks of the ranks that did not have investigative officials who met the requirements, then was taken over by the Criminal Investigation Unit as the supervisor of the integrated criminal detective function. Second, the impact of an integrated investigation administration causes the time for conducting an investigation to be slow due to the distance between the Head Sector Police and the District Head Police Station.

Volume 12 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 1061-1067

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202203