
Development and Implementation of Fire Fighting Robot

Md. Rasheduzzaman, Asadulla Hil Gulib, Abdul Awal and S.M.G. Mostafa

Firefighting is a momentous and perilous job. The fire has to rapidly & safely extinguish by a firefighter to prevent more damage and destruction. It is desirable to design a robot that can detect fire and extinguish the fire as quickly as possible. In this study, a robot has developed that can extinguish the fire, can work manually by using a web app. Besides, the Robot can transmit real-time data using IoT gateway so that the real scenario can be observed. In addition, a pumping motor is being used to spray water, controlled by the web. This article can detect human presence who is stuck in fireplaced by this project.

Volume 12 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 818-825

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12SP7/20202173