
Analysis Stock Price Index Using Residual Income Model in Jakarta Islamic Index

Sugiyarto, Muhammad Randa, Suliadi Sufahani

This research is using quantitative descriptive methods and case studies approach. The ratio of financial analysis and analysis comparison financial reports are also used as the analysis part. Return on Investment (ROI) is one of the ratios of profitability which capable of measuring the company as a whole in producing the profit with all of the available assets. Other alternative to measure the performance of corporate finance is by Residual Income (RI). The uses of both analyses are expected to reinforce and furnish the result obtained so that it will be more accurate. The result of the analysis indicates the conditions of corporate finance fluctuant. The value of ROI is positive but fluctuant. The analysis of RI condition is good where the score of fluctuation is always positively grown. Companies need to be more efficient and effective in making use of company assets, as well as maintaining and enhancing the value of RI. Through this, the company can continue to objectify the level of the expected returns shareholders and its investors.

Volume 11 | 12-Special Issue

Pages: 47-51