
Energy Conservation And Traffic Control In Wireless Sensor Network

Kothakapu Chandra Reddy,G. Yugandhar

A Wireless Sensor Network consists of a large number of micro sensors which are typically powered by small energy constrained batteries. In many application scenarios, these batteries cannot be replaced or recharged, making the sensor useless once battery life is over. Thus, minimizing the total energy consumption. This makes the energy optimization a critical factor in designing a WSN. In sensor networks, nodes are deployed into an infrastructure free environment. Without any a priori information about the network topology or the global, even local view, sensor nodes must self-configure and gradually establish the network infrastructure from the initial level during the initialization phase. With the support of this infrastructure, nodes are able to accept queries from remote sites, interact with the physical environment, actuate in response to the sensor readings, and relay sensed information through the multi-hop sensor networks.

Volume 12 | Issue 2

Pages: 2381-2393

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V12I2/S20201285