
An Efficient Data Security for SSL Using Reverse Context Free Grammar Productions

T. Mohan Raj

An improved symmetric key cryptographic calculation is exhibited in this paper. This new strategy utilizes setting free sentence structure as it introduces a one of a kind property of cryptography which expresses that it is easy to create strings from a given syntax, yet it is difficult to arrange a language structure whenever gave the strings produced by it. The proposed thought comprises four modules: Encode, Encrypt, Decrypt and Decode. Right off the bat, the document is encoded by utilizing the encoding systems to acquire a halfway book. The middle of the road content is then scrambled to get the figure content record utilizing setting free language alongside the mystery key. The mystery key is produced utilizing an irregular number of age calculations. At the beneficiary's side, the figure content record is then unscrambled by utilizing setting free language pursued by deciphering procedures to acquire the first document.

Volume 11 | 12-Special Issue

Pages: 984-993

DOI: 10.5373/JARDCS/V11SP12/20193304