
The Development of Marine Resource Conservation In Indonesia

Lucky Zamzami, Akifumi Iwabuchi, Nursyirwan Effendi, Ermayanti, Hendrawati, Alfan Mik

The Indonesian government has committed to establishing marine conservation areas, each of which has an important role in supporting sustainable fishery management and the human resource having the local wisdom. Thiswriting is aimed at analyzing the local wisdom for the establishment of marine resource conservation at the coastal communities in the western region of Indonesia. This researchis conducted in West Sumatra.To collect data, observation and interview are applied. Theresult finds, thatthere are four values of Minangkabau local wisdom could be used and potentially good impact onthe mar ine conservat ion ar ea and the coastallivelihoods generally, namely (1) spiritual wisdom; (2) environmental sustainability wisdom; (3) cultural traditions wisdom; and (4) economic wisdom.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 1281-1288