
Protecting the Client Data Using Encryption Algorithm in Cloud Computing Environment

S.S. Ramaprasad, J.L. Avinash and S. Suraj

The Cloud computing technology is at the top of the line in Information Technology it provides strong computing environment and huge memory in the server in the form of cloud. Client can externalize huge manipulation task to the cloud, the cloud can perform massive manipulation task by the use many algorithms, software and interconnected networks. Even though along with these benefits there are few concerns in the cloud environment regarding protecting the client data and providing security while computation. During outsourcing there may be chance losing confidentiality of data which is stored in cloud. Presuming cloud as a uncertain platform the frame work should be developed that should secure the data by encryption algorithm and also that should give desired result without any mistake or and changing the data. In this framework a novel cipher algorithm is proposed which provides the security for the cloud data in client and server environment, we are also proposing secured outsourcing and computation environment for the cloud computation environment which provides high security and good efficiency. To get high efficiency Linear Programming constraints are applied and implemented. Linear Programming (LP) algorithm run in the cloud environment to decompose LP Problem, the parameter of the Linear Programming is given by client or user. To verify the obtained results we have used Duality theorem of Linear programming that gives required security and confidentiality in the cloud environment.

Volume 11 | 07-Special Issue

Pages: 1388-1395