
An Image Cryptography Encryption- Decryption and Compression Techniques using Symmetric UR8 Algorithm

P. Rajan, Dr. Arul Lawrence Selvakumar

Comparing with conventional computer smart phone is easily carried out and provides much computer functionality such as processing, communication, data storage as well as many computer services such as web browser, video or audio player, video call GPS and wireless networks. A message in plain text can understand by anybody knowing the languages as long as the message is not codified in any manner. The present work focus on cryptography to secure the data while transmitting the network. This work used to enhance key encryption algorithm in which the same structure of encryption and decryption algorithm is used. This work provides better speed in comparison to existing algorithm for large size of files with less overhead. Experimental works demonstrates the superiority of the proposed algorithm as it has outperformed the well-established benchmark algorithm in terms of query execution time and database added in size.The hacking of the greatest problem in the WLAN. The authentication protocols have been used for authentication and key exchange process.

Volume 11 | 08-Special Issue

Pages: 648-664