
Relationship between Work Characteristics and Light Intensity toward Visual Fatigue among Tailors in Informal Sector at KelurahanSudiang, Makassar City

Muhammad Sabri,Muhammad Furqaan Naiem,Awaludddin

The study aimed to determine the relationship between work characteristics (age, working experience, working duration and history of disease) and light intensity toward visual fatigue among tailor in informal sector at Sudiang, Makassar city. This study was used cross sectional design and samples were 42 respondents which used exhaustive sampling retrieval techniques. The data used primary data that obtained through direct interviews by questionnaire and measurement used lux meters. The data was analysed SPSS programs and represented in form of table and narrative. The result showed there was relationship between light intensity, age, working experience and history disease with visual fatigue. The working duration was not correlated to visual fatigue among tailor in informal sector at Sudiang city, Makassar city. The recommendation is increased artificial lighting sources in the workplace. Meanwhile, workers who reached age of 40 years and above and worked more than 5 years should increase their rest period.

Volume 11 | 05-Special Issue

Pages: 1372-1377